- 时 hour
- 闸过船时的流量损失 loss by lockage
- 修船 lay-up
- "要记住,这些统计数据是关于一九七二年时的一年级生情况的。" Remember that these statistics describe college freshmen in1972.
- 船闸过船时的流量损失 loss by lockage
- 分时 time-sharing
- 修船业 ship repairing industry
- 将此信息复制到下列空格内,作为工作或重新设置时的参考备份。 Copy this information into the space provided below as a backup reference for service or reconfiguration.
- 修船费 careenage
- 守时的 punctual
- 修船架 gridiron (pendulum)
- 我试图掩饰初次会面时的不自然。 I tried to smooth over the awkwardness of this first meeting.
- 修船所 dockyard
- 冶金学以金属及其聚合时和呈原子状态时的特性为研究对象的学科 The study of metals and their properties in bulk and at the atomic level.
- 修船台 railway dry dock
- 对材料在接近绝对零度时的特性进行研究和利用的学科。 The study and use of devices utilizing properties of materials near absolute zero in temperature.
- 船时量 ship-hour rate
- 水上修船 ship repair afloat
- 因为钢的含碳量在很大程度上决定了钢在具体应用时的范围。 Because the carbon content of steel largely determine its usefulness for specific application.
- 修船费用 repairing cost of the ship